
mouth is not lonely

The winter wind blows over and over again, and the winter in our village has only begun! It's so cold, it's impossible to go out~

Potato chips on sunny days and spicy noodles on rainy days

Eat chicken feet in summer and instant noodles in winter

Why worry?

Ice Cream Lang Wei Xian Mushroom Fat Beef

I have nothing to eat

There is no sense of security! !

heaterBy the bed, there is a drama waiting for me, a bunch of snacks at hand,

These days are just right~

Lang Wei Xian! Seaweed flavor! Crunchy! The ease of licking your fingers after eating is really no one cares!

The seaweed smell is tangy and the texture is crunchy, and you can't put it down! I like the kind that smashes into scum and has to be licked clean! By the way, the tomato-flavored Langweixian is also the root of evil! Can't stop!

KalebCurry-flavored chips are also among the chipsLVOh, I really want to buy a Tokyo limited edition! Monkey watching. The curry flavor was evident and the chips were crispy because they were super thin and super thin! You can use into the mouth to describe it, after eating it, it has an endless aftertaste, slightly spicy, and a little soy sauce, can't stop!

After eating the sweet, eat the salty, and after the salty, have a little spicy! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the day goes by like this

Old Yang's family is a must for making crispy snacks. This three-dimensional small cube has been attracted by its unique appearance before eating it. so cute.

Open, in fact, it is not so square! The taste is crispy and sweet, sweet and salty, and the sweet creamy fragrance is blended with garlic.

The longan is sweet, the lotus seeds are dense, the peanuts are glutinous, and the glutinous rice is fragrant

Each jar is full375g, which is full of real materials. The texture of the porridge is still relatively thick, but not to the point of stickiness (I hate eating very thick snacks, it is inconvenient, and it is not a meal🙄️It's just for fun watching the drama~) The taste of grains is very clear.

Details worth mentioning! The handle of the spoon is folded in three, which is better to use and can dig into the bottom of the porridge. Otherwise, look up and face hahahahaha!

By the way, let me tell you a secret, it seems that these porridges are sealed in jars and then heated with the jars hahahahahahahaha

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雪糕 浪味仙 香菇肥牛













