
"New Year's Goal Check-in Day 3" to reduce sugar and lose weight in seven days

Eat less starch and put an end to snacks and drinks on the third day, there will really be a kind of involuntarily running to the snack cabinet to visit my snack group 😆

In order to divert my attention, I also started to perform my general cleaning today, and started part of the house tidying up by means of separation. In addition, it can be used with exercise (walking for an hour) to assist the weight loss effect. In addition to cooperating with a little bit of exercise, it can slightly help the success rate of weight loss. Drinking enough water is also a very important key to success.

Sometimes weight loss can be successful not only by counting calories, but too much sugar will be absorbed by the body before it can be digested or metabolized, resulting in subcutaneous fat. Sugar is not only from snacks and fruits. In fact, both vegetables and milk contain sugar, but the sugar content is different.

Let's talk about BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) 

What is Basal Body Metabolism?

BMR calculates the calories you burn while lying in bed all day. As people grow older, their physical functions will also decline, making it more difficult to lose weight and have the trouble of getting fat when drinking water. BMR can be aided by aerobic exercise to enhance the body's metabolism to unlock higher BMR values. Aerobic exercise is based on personal health status and age, and it is usually recommended to exercise for at least 30 minutes at a heart rate of 152-190.

You can find a computer that automatically calculates the BMR value on the Internet, and you can know your BMR by putting in your personal information

As for body fat (BMI), you can also search online to find out if you have exceeded the body fat standard. Body fat exceeding the standard means that obesity is easy to cause cardiovascular disease. If your body fat is over 25, you are considered obese.

Find out your BMR and you can plan how you should eat during the day, and then decide if you need to use exercise to help eliminate some of the calories you accidentally eat into your stomach


I ate Chinese food at Counter Burger today. I really like that California now requires restaurants to provide calorie values. In addition to being delicious, this burger is also very generous in ingredients. There are many built-in ingredients to choose from for free. When the burger comes, sometimes it is really super high and it feels like it will fall at any time 😁


But people who lose weight can't eat burgers, fries and cola 🍔 🍟🥃🚫, this restaurant is also very considerate to provide healthy salad options.

Write down the desired meat (Mahi mahi) in a small table, add a lot of low-calorie vegetables (green vegetable salad, shredded radish, cucumber, boiled egg, tomato) with a low-calorie vinegar salad Sauce and unsweetened tea. This is about 500 calories, and there are also obedient implementation of my plan outside 😤

Such a large plate of food is so full that I burp, satisfied 😁 The task is completed today ✔️

Actually, in addition to going to the toilet for the past three days, it was very smooth. Although I didn't sleep enough, my mental state was surprisingly good today. My thoughts seemed to be sharper, and my stomach felt relatively flat 🤗

Continue to eliminate the meat plan tomorrow 💪

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接下來談談 BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate 基礎身體代謝) 


BMR 計算當你躺在床上整天會消耗的卡路里。人隨著年齡成長,身體機能也會跟著下降而更難瘦身與有著喝水都會胖的煩惱。BMR 可以藉由有氧運動輔助提升身體代謝達到解鎖更高 BMR 值。有氧運動依照個人健康狀態與年齡,通常建議達到152-190心跳率下運動至少30分鐘。

網路上可以找的到自動計算 BMR 值計算機,放入個資就知道自己的 BMR 了

至於體脂肪(BMI) 也可以網上搜尋找出是否已經超過體脂肪標準。體脂肪超過標準代表過胖容易而引起心血管疾病。體脂超過25以上則屬於肥胖喔

找出自己的 BMR 就可以規劃自己一天中該如何吃,然後安排是否需要以運動輔助消滅一些不小心多吃進肚子的卡路里


今天中餐是在 Counter Burger 吃,很喜歡現在加州規定餐廳需要提供卡路里值。這家漢堡堡除了好吃,料也給的很實在大方,很多內置配料多樣免費選,漢堡一來有時候真的是疊的超級高感覺隨時要倒了😁


不過減肥的人不能吃漢堡薯條可樂 🍔 🍟🥃🚫,這家餐廳也很貼心提供健康沙拉選項。

用小表格寫下想要的肉肉 (Mahi mahi)、加上一大堆低卡的蔬菜(綠色蔬菜沙拉、蘿蔔絲、黃瓜、水煮蛋、番茄)配上低卡的醋沙拉醬與無糖茶。這樣算下來約 500卡,在外面也是有乖乖執行我的計畫😤

這樣一大盤吃的飽到打嗝,滿足 😁 今天任務完成✔️

其實執行這三天除了上廁所非常順暢,雖然沒有睡夠但今天精神狀態意外的好,思路似乎也比較敏銳,肚子感覺也比較平 🤗

明天繼續消滅肉肉計畫 💪