The picture is the Zeng Mixed Noodles I recently bought on 🍜 That's right, instant noodles are afternoon tea + night snacks for me 😂 Although this is not real instant noodles 😅 🍜 First of all, the texture of the noodles is really good, which can be seen from Figure 4, the taste is also very good! 🍜There are only two packs of ingredients: shallot sauce and pepper and sesame oil. No wonder the taste of noodles is called chives and peppers 😂 The two sauces are very fragrant, so the final product will not be boring even if nothing else is added. 🍜 However, although this one has ingredients, it is not really instant noodles. Figure 3 has its cooking steps, and the time is really long. Overall, this one can be ranked second in the 面食 category that I recently bought (the first is of course the pork bone ramen~) If you are looking for the texture of the noodles, you may try it~
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如图是最近在亚米网买的曾拌面🍜 没错,方便面对我来说就是下午茶+夜宵的零食😂虽然这款并不是真正的方便面😅 🍜首先,面的质感确实不错,这一点可以从图4看出,口感也很棒! 🍜配料只有两包:香葱酱与椒麻油。怪不得面的口味就叫香葱椒麻😂两款酱料都很香,所以最终成品即使别的东西都不加,也不会乏味。 🍜不过,这款虽然有配料,却真不算是方便面。图三有其烹饪步骤,时间真的好长。 整体来说,这款在我近期买的面食类中能排到第二惊艳的位置(第一当然就是豚骨拉面啦~)如果追求面的质感不妨尝试一下哦~