[The dark potato chips that lazy eggs can't stop are shocked! 】 Lay's potato chips throughout my childhood ah 😋 Compared with barrels, I prefer bagged potato chips, although they are fragile and take up space due to vacuum packaging (a bulging bag occupies a full one-third of my school bag 😅) But bagged potato chips are better than barreled ones! Therefore, the taste is more crispy, and it is not as thick as a barrel, and the slices can't stop at all. And this mustard-flavored potato chip is a fighter in the potato chip world. Bombing the taste buds little by little: the potato chips maintain the original crispy and delicious taste, but also add a bit of mustard. Fortunately, the mustard flavor is not too strong, which makes the potato chips have a mustard fragrance. It also has a refreshing function 😝 (Hey, my literary talent is okay) ⚠️However, it is not good to eat too many potato chips. In addition to the heat and acne, you may also have a sore throat. It’s good to indulge once in a while. Don’t eat too much. happy holiday~
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yami_featured_image 【懒蛋蛋也欲罢不能的黑暗薯片震撼来袭!】 乐事薯片贯穿了我的童年啊😋 相对于桶装的,我更喜于袋装的薯片,虽然易碎而且因为真空包装所以占位置(鼓鼓的一包,足足占了我书包的三分之一😅) 不过袋装薯片胜在比桶装的薄啊!所以口感更香脆,吃起来没有桶装的厚实,一片一片的根本停不下来 而这款芥末味薯片堪称薯片界的战斗机了 一点一点的轰炸味蕾啊:薯片保持了原有的香脆可口的同时,又增添了几分芥末的清辣,好在芥末味并没有太浓重,使得薯片带有芥末的清香之时还具备提神醒脑的功能😝 (诶哟喂我文采还行哈) ⚠️不过呢,薯片吃多了还是不太好哦,热气长痘痘之余还可能喉咙痛呢~偶尔放纵一次就好了哦,不可多吃哈 假期愉快~