Eat at night! 🍲🐟🌶️🌶️ Haidilao's sauerkraut fish base is very attentive! ♥️♥️In the base 🈶 a big bag of sauerkraut, and it is really pickled and quite sour 🥬~ Add some dry chili to taste enough, it is sour and spicy enough to serve two bowls of rice 🍚~ Remember to use fresh Longli fish fillets🐟! Don't cook the fish fillet for too long. After frying the base and adding hot water to boil, put the fish fillet on top 👆 Cook for three or four minutes⏰ and you're done! This way the fillets are the most tender and won't fall apart! Friends who like spicy taste can sprinkle a handful of peppercorns to fry the peppercorn oil when the oil is first heated, and then take out the peppercorns and throw them away, so that the pickled fish will have a hemp flavor in the end! 🙂🌶️🌶️ Let’s make delicious food at home together! 🍖🥦🍵🍧
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大晚上发吃!🍲🐟🌶️🌶️ 海底捞的酸菜鱼底料很走心!♥️♥️底料里面🈶一大包酸菜,而且真的是腌的还蛮酸的那种🥬~自己加点干辣椒味道就很足,又酸又辣可以下两碗饭🍚~ 大家记得用新鲜的龙利鱼片🐟哦!鱼片不要煮太久,底料炒好加好热水煮开以后,把鱼片铺在最上面👆煮三四分钟⏰就好啦!这样鱼片最嫩而且不会散掉! 喜欢麻辣口味的小伙伴可以在最开始热油的时候,撒一把花椒炒出花椒油,然后把花椒捞出来扔掉,这样最后酸菜鱼就有麻香味啦!🙂🌶️🌶️ 一起在家动手做好吃哒!🍖🥦🍵🍧