school started! ! As a veritable university staying up late party, instant noodles, snacks, and masks are absolutely indispensable! 😅 Chunyu's honey mask and black mask are the masks that I have used for a long time and I like very much. This time I bought a few models with good reviews and tried them out. Hawthorn Burger is recommended for a lifetime! ❤️❤️❤️ This small dried fish is the first time I bought it, and I was amazed! Finally a family photo! Happy start of school! 🤣🤣
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开学啦!!作为一个名副其实的大学熬夜党,泡面,零食,和面膜是绝对不能少的!😅 春雨的蜂蜜面膜和黑面膜是我用了蛮久而且非常喜欢的面膜,这次顺手买了几款评价还不错的来试试. 山楂汉堡一生推!❤️❤️❤️ 这个小鱼干是我第一次买,有被惊艳到! 最后来一张全家福!祝自己开学快乐!🤣🤣