The mini version of the rice cooker is really too mini. It can be used for one person to eat, but it is not enough for two people, and it keeps spraying water, and every time the countertop gets dirty ( ・᷄д・᷅ ) The big version of the rice cooker is different. The size is suitable, enough for 4+ people. It is also very convenient to make "electric cooker rice" (•̀ω•́)✧ High-end atmosphere out of the box Lee Kum Kee Sakura Shrimp Sauce, amazing my sauce! Smell and eat ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
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电饭煲迷你版真的是太迷你了,一个人吃饭可以用,两个人都不太够呢,而且一直在喷水,每次台面都弄得脏呼呼的( ・᷄д・᷅ ) 电饭煲大个版就不一样了,大小合适,都够4+人吃的,平时做“电煲仔饭”也特别的方便(•̀ω•́)✧ 高端大气开箱李锦记樱花虾酱,厉害了我的酱!闻着香吃着香ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ