Trader Joe's New Chocolate Soft Bread! The original flavor of this Pain AU Lait is enough to be an internet celebrity! Found out more than two weeks ago that it tasted like chocolate! In fact, I may prefer the chocolate flavor to the original flavor (the original flavor I would not want to repurchase but the chocolate flavor is not bad! The sweetness is not as high as expected and you can eat a few chocolate beans in every bite! The material is pretty good More suitable for Asian tastes, it is fragrant and soft. It's very suitable for breakfast but I usually eat it as a snack hahaha because it's very easy to swallow, I'll finish it in a while while watching a drama! I must say the shortcomings. I think the quality of the chocolate beans is not too high, and it has a little taste of the non-fat chocolate that I ate when I was a child. But overall I think it's still a good idea to try! !
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Trader Joe新出的巧克力软面包! 这款Pain AU Lait原味已经够网红了!两个多星期前发现竟然出了巧克力味! 其实比起原味我可能更喜欢巧克力味的一点(原味我不会想回购但是巧克力味还不错! 甜度没有想象中那么高而且每一口都能吃到几颗巧克力豆!用料还挺良心的 比较适合亚洲人口味,是香软型的。非常适合当早餐但是我一般都当零食吃哈哈哈因为非常好下咽 看剧的时候一会儿就吃完了! 一定要说缺点的话 我觉得巧克力豆的品质不是太高,有点小时候吃的植脂巧克力的味道。 但是总体我觉得还是非常适合尝试的!!