❤️The best bread in America ❤️ In addition to Japanese natural yeast bread, This is one of the best breads I've ever bought in Meichao! It is very similar to the domestic fragrant soft bread. The taste is very soft and mellow. Vanilla Cream Sandwich Not too sweet or too greasy. After being slightly heated, it is even more soft to the extreme. Perfect with milk tea or coffee! Many American open-shelf breads are not very tasty. But this one is definitely a must-eat! Every time you encounter it, you will receive two bags! This toast and a chocolate one are also quite delicious. Look for this brand, many of its breads are very good. All worth buying and eating. It is strongly recommended for babies who have never eaten but love to eat bread. Bought from: Walmart/whloe foods
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❤️美国开架最好吃的面包❤️ 除了日本天然酵母面包外, 这款是我在美超买到的最好吃面包之一! 和国内香软面包很相似, 口感非常绵软,香醇. 中间夹层的香草奶油 也不甜不腻的恰到好处. 微微加热后更是绵软到极致了, 与奶茶或咖啡绝配! 美国开架面包很多都不太好吃, 但这个绝对是一吃必爱! 每次遇到必收两袋! 这个吐司面包还有一款巧克力的也是相当好吃, 认准这个牌子,它家很多款面包都很不错. 都值得买来吃吃看。 强推荐给没吃过但又很爱吃面包的宝宝们. 购于:Walmart/whloe foods