Here are a few things that I always buy, I really can't resist! For example, Maocai is super delicious, as long as it is spicy. The squid is also very delicious. I have a bag with rice when I eat, which is great! Macadamia nuts, crisp candies, white rabbits, and Wangwang, these are all because of the New Year, and there is no way to go home to treat yourself. I want to focus on that pancake, it's a little sweet and super fragrant, it's a delicious one, and it must be repurchased!
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这里有几样我总会买的东西,真的是忍不住不买啊!比如说冒菜,超级好吃,只要辣的。那个鱿鱼也很好吃的,吃饭的时候来个一袋配饭,棒棒哒! 夏威夷果,酥心糖,大白兔,旺旺,这些都是因为过年了,没办法回家 来犒劳下自己的。我想重点的说下那个煎饼,有一点点甜,超香,那叫一个好吃,必须回购啊!