🌟#亚米厨房# Have to brag about this pancake✨ 🌟 The Northeastern pancakes written are actually the kind of Shandong pancakes, but as a Northeasterner since childhood, it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it is delicious! This time I stocked up with six packs! ✨ 🌟About half a pancake each time, beat eggs, put chopped green onion and coriander (it is essential for the soul) and black sesame seeds, turn it over after it solidifies a little. Then brush with sweet noodle sauce and garlic chili sauce (the essence must be these two sauces) (also bought by Yami). The contents of the clip can be changed at will. I used the intestines of the hot dog. It is better to fry it first. You can also put shredded potatoes, shredded kelp, fried dough sticks, etc. Then roll it up. ✨ 🌟 You will be addicted after one bite, no need for domestic pancakes! ✨ 🌟 Serve with eight-treasure porridge, or noodle soup, etc., the perfect breakfast! ✨
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🌟#亚米厨房# 不得不夸夸这个煎饼✨ 🌟写的东北煎饼,其实是那种山东煎饼,不过作为东北人从小吃到大的,管他是哪的,好吃就行!这次又囤了六包!✨ 🌟每次大概半张煎饼,打上鸡蛋,放上葱花香菜(是灵魂不可省)黑芝麻,稍微凝固后翻面。然后刷上甜面酱和蒜蓉辣酱(是精髓一定要这两种酱)(也是亚米买的)。夹的东西可以随意更换,我就用了热狗的肠,先煎一下比较好吃,也可以放土豆丝啊海带丝啊油条啊等。然后卷起来即可。✨ 🌟吃一口你就会欲罢不能,不必国内的煎饼果子差!✨ 🌟配上八宝粥,或者挂面汤等,完美的早饭!✨