🌟When I was doing the lipstick💄 check-in event before, I saw a lot of people posting Indian rose shades, so I planted grass🤩🤩🤩 🌟The original price of $55 lipstick 💄, Sephora 20% off $44 is still available. 🌟 The color looks very gentle, and it is no problem to apply it every day! 🌟 This is the first TF lipstick, the feel and quality are not bad👍 🌟 It is still recommended, it is suitable for personal use and gifting 🤗🤗🤗
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🌟之前口红💄打卡活动的时候,看见很多人晒Indian rose色号,就种草了🤩🤩🤩 🌟原价$55的口红💄,丝芙兰八折$44还是可以撸的。 🌟颜色看着非常温柔,日常涂也没问题! 🌟这是第一支TF的口红,手感质量感觉都还不错👍 🌟还是挺推荐的,自用送人都合适哦🤗🤗🤗