# 新年 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # Let’s eat 恵方巻き together! The food that Japan has to eat every year during the festival! This year's festival is February 3rd, I ate it a day earlier hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 and I haven't eaten the whole piece according to the custom, I even cut it in the middle to see the cut surface. The taste is delicious! It's just that I bought spicy teriyaki chicken, and it turned out to be full of crab salad 🤨where is my chicken?
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# 新年 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # 一起來吃恵方巻き!日本每年節分的時候都要吃的食物哦!今年節分是二月三號,我提前一天吃了哈哈哈哈🤣🤣🤣而且還沒有按照習俗要一整條吃掉,我還給中間切開看看切面。 味道是好吃的啦!只不過我買的是香辣照燒雞肉的,結果裡面全是蟹柳沙拉嘛🤨where is my chicken?