# 亚米厨房 # I wrote about the spicy food I like, and I will write about the sweet food that my husband likes to eat. This is not to say that their food is sweet, it is just synonymous with... My husband is from Shanghai... This different dim sum is really It's delicious. First of all, I recommend crab noodle dumplings, which is my favorite. My husband and I eat it every time we go there. It is filled with soup. Even the soup is delicious. It is steamed in a pot, so pay special attention❗️The soup will be hot 😁 Fried buns are also one of my husband's favorites, because they have a lot of meat, and the skin of the fried buns is very crispy, wow, I want to eat it now 😂 Qingtuan, it doesn’t seem to be available every time, it seems to be made only during festivals, like fresh meat mooncakes, they are all snacks that only come out during festivals, anyway, it’s very, very, very delicious…
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# 亚米厨房 # 我写过了我爱吃的辣,又来写我老公爱吃的甜,这并不是说他们的吃的甜,只是代名词而已…我老公上海人嘛… 这家不一样点心真的好吃,首先推介蟹粉小笼包,是我特别爱吃的,我跟我老公每次去都必吃的,是灌汤的,连汤汁都好好喝,每次都是点完餐才现上锅蒸的,所以要特别注意❗️汤汁会烫口哦😁 煎包也是我老公爱吃的之一,因为肉多啊,而且煎包的皮特别脆,哇,想想我现在都想吃了😂 青团,好像不是每个时候都有,好像是什么节日才会做的,就像鲜肉月饼啥的,都是节日才会出的小吃,反正就是特别特别特别好吃啦…