# 相见恨晚的满分零食 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 什么值得买 # I've never drink coconut water, which tasted strange, not because of pregnancy, on a book that drinking coconut water to make more clear amniotic fluid is relatively Well, I would like to have I didn’t think so, so I asked my husband to go to Costco to carry a few boxes back, and I began to adapt to drinking coconut water. Someone asked, but I didn’t buy fresh coconut water. Well, I’m lazy, I don’t know how to open that coconut, it’s hard. , I don't want to drink anymore, haha. My husband said that it would be more convenient to buy this for me. He prescribed me a lot to drink every day. If he said that it is good for the baby, we should eat and drink more... Haha
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# 相见恨晚的满分零食 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 什么值得买 #我以前从来不喝椰子水,觉得味道怪怪的,这不是因为怀孕,某书上说,喝椰子水能让羊水更清澈,就是比较好啦,我想都没想就让老公去Costco扛了好几箱回来,开始了我适应喝椰子水之路,有人问了,也啥不买新鲜椰子水,好吧,我懒,不太会开那个椰子,硬邦邦的,就不想喝了,哈哈。老公就说给我买这个方便一点,每天给我规定喝好多个,说对宝宝好,就要多吃多喝…哈哈