# 什么值得买 ## Japanese mama&kids # I am a 29w+6 pregnant mother (wow tomorrow will be 30 weeks so fast) This is to prevent stretch marks. I did my homework for several days on a certain book before I decided to buy it, but when I bought it and got it in my hands, I was already six months pregnant. Generally, the prevention of stretch marks starts from four months. ...but it's also been said that if you're going to rub for a long time, nothing will work. Actually, it depends on how you look at it. Anyway, I don’t think I will grow up, because it is said that this will be inherited. If my mother does not have it, I may not have it. 😝) But I still buy it and try it, it’s not cheap and it’s not easy to buy. Yami is also out of stock, and there is a serious shortage in Japan... Later, after a lot of hard work, I got it and applied it. It is very comfortable and moisturizing. I think it is quite easy to absorb. I usually take a shower at night. After applying it, it still feels very slippery when I take a shower the next night... I haven't had it yet, and I hope it won't be in the future either😝 🐷Mothers, expectant mothers, expectant mothers, happy new year🎊
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# 什么值得买 ## 日本mama&kids # 我是个孕期29w+6的准妈妈(哇明天就30周了好快)这款是预防妊娠纹的。我是在某书上,做了好几天功课,才决定买的,不过等我买来,拿到手上的时候,我已经怀孕六个月了,一般预防妊娠纹是从四个月开始擦…不过也有人说了,如果你要长擦什么都不管用。其实这玩意还是看自己怎么看啦。我反正觉得我不一定会长,因为都说这个会有遗传如果我妈没有,我可能不会有,我妈没有,我外婆也没有,我觉得我可能也不会有(感觉这话有点欠打😝) 但是我还是买来试试,不便宜,也不好买。亚米也缺货,日本那边也缺货很严重…后来经过千辛万苦拿到,就涂了,很舒服,很润,我觉得还蛮好吸收的,我一般都是晚上洗完澡涂的,到第二天晚上洗澡,都还很滑的感觉…我到现在还没有啦,希望之后也没有😝 🐷各位宝妈,备孕妈,准妈妈们,新年快乐🎊