# 今天也要好好吃饭 # # 开年吃大餐 # This was last Saturday's lunch. I thought the taste was good this time and wanted to record it, but I found that I didn't know how to post the order after the new interface, so I just postponed it until today (/∇\*). In fact, I prefer cola chicken wings, but there is no cola at home, so after thinking about it, it is braised. It's basically a lazy version, and you can play freely after browsing a few recipes. The raw weight of six whole chicken wings is about one and a half pound, and it took less than half an hour to thaw. I was too hungry to wait, so I accelerated it with the step of washing and blanching. You don't need to cook the chicken wings thoroughly in blanching water, just cook for a few minutes to remove impurities and foam. Because it is a whole chicken wing, there is quite a lot of fat at the root of the wing, so there is no oil, and the chicken wings are fried directly in a non-stick pan. After frying for a few minutes until the oil is all out, pour the soy sauce, then put seven or eight pieces of rock sugar and a spoonful of salt. I only remembered to add cooking wine when the rock sugar was almost melted. I added the cooking wine in the picture because I was afraid that ordinary cooking wine would affect the sweetness. I also bought it from Yami. It may be removed from the shelves, so I can't add a tag. This is almost a Japanese mirin, the kind of sweet cooking wine. In the end, I threw a bunch of cinnamon powder in my head (actually I hate the smell of cinnamon, but I can't taste it after cooking). Also sprinkle some freeze-dried shallots. Chopped shallots and ground cinnamon are very common in Meichao, and they can be left out. I think teriyaki only needs sugar, salt and soy sauce. After adding all the seasonings, turn the chicken wings over, try to make the seasoning evenly, then add a cup of water (my cup is too small, it should be between 150-200 ml), cover the pot and cook. Wait ten minutes to turn over the sides to make the sauce more even, and wait another ten minutes to basically collect the juice before serving. The remaining little sauce can be poured on the chicken wings on the plate. This ratio is a little sweeter, if you don’t like sweetness, you should reduce some rock sugar. The Haitian soy sauce used has a strong taste and can be colored, so there is no need to add light and dark soy sauce separately.
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yami_featured_image # 今天也要好好吃饭 # # 开年吃大餐 # 这是上周六的午餐,本来觉得这次味道调的不错想记录一下,结果发现换了新界面都不知道该怎么晒单了,硬是拖到今天才晒(/∇\*)。 其实我比较喜欢可乐鸡翅,不过家里没有可乐,想了想就红烧了。基本算是懒人版,随便浏览了几个菜谱就自由发挥了。 六个鸡全翅生重大概一斤半,化冻了不到半个小时,太饿了等不及,就用洗净焯水这个步骤加速了一下。焯水不需要彻底把鸡翅煮熟,煮几分钟去一下杂质和浮沫就OK了。 因为是鸡全翅,翅根部分脂肪还蛮多的,就没有放油,直接用不粘锅煎的鸡翅。煎了几分钟把油都煎出来之后倒酱油,然后放了七八块冰糖和一勺盐。冰糖化得差不多的时候才想起来要加料酒,怕普通料酒影响甜味就加了图里的料理酒。也是在亚米买的,可能是下架了,加不了tag。这款差不多是日本的味霖,甜料酒那种。最后脑子一抽撒了一堆肉桂粉(其实我超讨厌肉桂味道,不过煮完就尝不出来了)。另外还撒了一些冻干小葱碎。小葱碎和肉桂粉在美超都很常见,不加也可以。我觉得红烧只要有糖、盐和酱油就够的。 全部调料加完以后翻一翻鸡翅,尽量让调料均匀,然后加一杯水(我的杯子偏小,应该在150-200毫升之间),盖锅盖煮。等十分钟去翻个面让酱汁均匀些,再等十分钟基本收汁完就可以出锅了。剩余的一点点酱汁浇到摆放在盘子里的鸡翅上就可以。 这个配比是偏甜一些的,不爱吃甜的话最就要减少一些冰糖了。用的海天酱油味道比较重,上色也可以,就不需要生抽老抽分别加了。