# 百万积分第五季 # # 开年吃大餐 # Recommend a delicious sauce for those who love spicy food. This is the [Good Food] sauce launched by the Haidilao brand. It focuses on a collection of oatmeal and three peppers. It is fragrant and spicy. People who love spicy food will definitely like it. Hundreds of ways to eat. Just a little bit at a time is enough.
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# 百万积分第五季 # # 开年吃大餐 # 给爱吃辣的伙伴们推荐款好吃的酱料. 这是海底捞品牌推出的【好好吃饭】酱料.主打燕麦和三椒的集合.又香又辣.爱吃辣的人肯定喜欢.配饭.伴面.蘸点都可以.一个酱料.百种吃法. 每次只需要一点就够味了哦.