
Bioderma makeup remover, see you later

🍁🍁Bedema Cleansing Water, which has long been overwhelmed by the praise of my friends, last time on Double Eleven Yami didn't grab the soymilk maker and Annaisai that he wanted, but he grabbed one when he saw Bedma. Anyway, he just wanted to try it out, and after all, it was only one dollar. After all, it was still a good deal after paying the shipping fee. Buy it! 😍The result is really amazing, it is much easier to use than Garnier🤣🤣

🍁🍁Bedema Cleansing Water is made of French technology and is divided into two categories: powder water and blue water. Using skin-friendly cleansing ingredients, it claims to be the first to use micellar technology to make the cleansing lotion an epoch-making new cleansing product. What is micellar technology? Bioderma Cleansing Water contains a fatty acid glyceride. Unlike ionic surfactants, it can completely match the double-layer phospholipid structure of the skin cell wall, so it is a bionic technology. When the glyceride in the liquid reaches a certain critical concentration , they form a spherical macromolecule. This structure, called a micellar mass, has excellent deep-cleansing power. Listening to it is great🤣🤣🤣I don't understand technology, easy to use, clean energy is king!

🍁🍁 Bedema Cleansing Water100%Fragrance, coloring and alcohol free, no irritating ingredients, just pour an appropriate amount on a cotton pad and gently apply to the face With one wipe, all makeup can be easily removed. After use, the skin is soft and moisturizing without feeling dry and tight. Even sensitive skin can be cared for. It is claimed that there is no need to rinse with water after wiping, but I always have to wash it if I don’t worry.< /span>😂😂😂But the ability to remove makeup is visible, there is no doubt that I don’t need to recommend it, everyone knows haha 😄

 # 百万积分第五季 # # 美容护肤 #

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🍁🍁 贝德玛卸妆水100%不含香料、色素及酒精,不含刺激成分,只需倒适量在洁肤棉上,往面部轻轻一抹,所有妆容轻松卸除,用后肌肤柔软润泽,不觉干燥绷紧,即使敏感肌肤也能呵护,号称擦完以后无需再用清水冲洗,但不放心的我总是还要洗一下的😂😂😂但卸妆能力是看得见的,毋庸置疑,小伙伴们无需我再推荐,大家都知道哈哈😄

 # 百万积分第五季 # # 美容护肤 #