🌹🌹Costco is an undoubted magic place, and you can always find things that are affordable, practical and beautiful - such as this Emma tableware that I absolutely love! 🌹🌹This set of Emma bowls caught my eye when I was shopping at Costco, because not only are the six bowls of the right size and colors, the material is sturdy porcelain, and the most important thing is: double handles! Whether it is drinking soup, eating, microwave, or putting fruit, but not afraid of being hot, easy to handle, convenient, and very beautiful to put on the plate, the proper kind I eat is not only the food, but also the mood~~🤣🤣 🌹🌹The price of a set of six bowls has been reduced to c$11.99 last time, which is really a good deal! highly recommended! I have already made Amway, and many people around me have bought it, and everyone likes it! Use it to find out, you will never regret it! # 百万积分第五季 # # 厨房必备 #
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🌹🌹Costco是一个毋庸置疑的神奇所在,总是能发现又价格逆天又实用又好看的东西——比如这个我万分万分喜欢的Emma餐具! 🌹🌹这一套Emma碗我逛Costco的时候一眼看中,因为不仅六个碗大小合适,颜色各异,材料是结实的瓷质,重要的是:双把手!无论是喝汤、吃饭、微波、放水果,但不怕烫,好拿,方便,摆盘也特别好看,妥妥的那种我吃的不仅是食物,也是心情~~~~🤣🤣 🌹🌹一套六个碗上次降价c$11.99,真的非常划算!强烈推荐!我已经安利了身边好多人去买了,大家都很喜欢!用过才知道,绝对不会后悔的! # 百万积分第五季 # # 厨房必备 #