I remember when I was a child, my elders would buy a lot of candy and snacks during the festivals. What I miss most in my memory is the white rabbit and the crispy candy. White rabbits are really hard to buy in the United States, But the crispy candy is only possible to buy at the end of the year and the New Year. Fortunate enough to encounter a must-buy N package! One bite, one crispy, super delicious, Fragrant, crisp, crisp, refreshing, not sweet, not greasy, not sticky to the teeth, Full of 【Hometown Taste】 It is suitable for entertaining at home during the New Year's holiday. It is also suitable as a gift for friends and relatives. # 百万积分第五季 # # 开年吃大餐 #
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记得小时候逢年过节长辈都会买很多糖果和零食, 记忆深处最想念的就是大白兔和酥心糖。 大白兔在美国真的太难买到, 但酥心糖也是年底新年将至才有可能买到。 有幸遇到必买N包! 一口一酥,超级好吃, 香、酥、脆、爽,吃來不甜不膩不黏牙, 满满都是【家乡味】 适合逢年过节家中招待, 也适合当作伴手礼赠送亲朋好友。 # 百万积分第五季 # # 开年吃大餐 #