# 年夜饭驾到 # # 开年吃大餐 #This year finally has time to make New Year's Eve dinner, make a big pot of braised pork one day in advance, and get up at 7am on the day of dinner. The dishes are basically learned from my father, and they are all good at their own. I am more happy that the first time I tried pork skin jelly, it was successful✌️ The New Year's Eve dinner is to be richer~ Fish, chicken, cow, and pig are not to be missed~ This time, there are 10 people and friends for the New Year's Eve dinner. Because it is difficult to control the serving time because of the large number of people who cook hot dishes, we mainly use braised pork. The cold dishes are the mainstay, and the braised pork includes beef tendon, chicken legs, pig ears, pig trotters, and chicken feet (I posted the recipe for braised pork before, in that rice cooker review). Beef tendon and pig ears, I mixed the sauce and put it on a plate~ The only hot dishes are braised fish and braised pork ribs in a cast-iron pot, all of which are cooked and served after the guests arrive. Because we are all northerners, we have to eat dumplings during Chinese New Year. Prepare the noodles and stuffing in advance, and make dumplings together, which is very Chinese New Year atmosphere. This New Year's Eve dinner took a lot of thought and time. When you see the satisfaction on everyone's face, everything is worth it. New Year's Eve in the United States, especially in a large rural village like ours in the middle of the country, which doesn't even have a Chinatown, can feel a little desolate. Before dinner, I heard my friends say, "I want to send a few photos to my parents, so that they don't have to worry about my bad New Year in a foreign country. You see, my food is better than China's." At that moment, The nose is a little sour, but I also feel that I am fortunate enough to bring some joy to my friends during the Chinese New Year. I wish everyone a Happy Year of the Pig 🐽 Happy New Year! Rejoice!
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yami_featured_image # 年夜饭驾到 # # 开年吃大餐 #今年终于有时间做年夜饭啦,提前一天做好一大锅卤肉,吃饭当天早上7点就起来准备啦。菜式基本上是和爸爸学的,都是自己比较拿手的,比较开心的是第一次尝试猪皮冻就成功啦✌️ 年夜饭就是要丰盛一些~ 鱼、鸡、牛、猪一个都不能少~ 这次的年夜饭和朋友们一共10个人,因为人多全做热菜不好控制上菜时间,所以主要以卤肉凉菜为主,卤肉包括牛腱肉、鸡腿、猪耳朵、猪蹄、鸡爪(卤肉的食谱我之前发过,在那篇电饭锅测评里面)。牛腱肉和猪耳朵,我都自己调汁拌了一下,摆了个盘~ 热菜只有红烧鱼和铸铁锅里的炖排骨,都是算着时间客人到齐了炖好上菜的。因为我们都是北方人,过年了是要吃饺子的。提前把面和馅准备好,大家一起包包饺子,非常有过年的气氛呢。 这顿年夜饭费了不少心思和时间,当看到大家脸上的满足感,一切也都值得啦。 在美国过年,尤其是在我们这种连唐人街都没有的中部大农村里,会感到一丝丝凄凉。开饭前,听到朋友们说:“我要给爸妈发几张照片,让他们不用担心我在异国他乡的过不好年,你看我这吃的比国内还好呢”,那一刻,鼻头有些酸,但也觉得还好有我,能给朋友们带来一些过年的喜悦。 祝大家猪年快乐🐽 新的一年平安!喜乐!