Just got the package. . Just unpacked. . Not used yet. . After opening the box of the rice cooker. . Found a small scratch at the bottom left of the control screen. . It stands to reason that it does not affect future use. . But I personally mind this flaw. . Ready to call customer service if it is possible to exchange. . The pot is much smaller than expected. I'm satisfied if I can make three servings. . I still contact customer service first to see if there is an exchange. . After all, this flaw wasn't made by me. . Carefully take it out of the box with the packaging bag. . Just saw this flaw. . # 厨房家电 #
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刚刚拿到包裹。。刚刚拆开包裹。。 还没使用。。 打开电饭煲的箱子之后。。发现控制屏左下方有个小小的刮痕。。按理说确实不影响之后使用。。但我个人很介意这块瑕疵。。准备打客服是否可以exchange了。。 锅比想象的小很多。能做出来三人份我就满足了。。 我还是先联系客服看看是否exchange啦。。 毕竟这块瑕疵不是我弄的。。从盒子里小心翼翼的带着包装袋拿出来。。就看到了这块瑕疵。。 # 厨房家电 #