The iRobot® Braava jet® mopping robot can go deep around furniture, between corners, or even under the cabinets and other "out of reach" places to remove dust and stains - just attach a Braava jet® cleaning pad and the robot will Automatically select wet mopping, wet mopping or dry mopping mode; and the mopping robot is specially designed for cleaning hard floors, which is convenient and practical. Expert in dust removal and decontamination Precision spray system with vibrating cleaning head, can effectively soften floor dirt and stains Braava jet® pads break down and remove dust. Seamless navigation to clean "hard-to-clean" locations Wet wipe and dry wipe range up to 25 square meters (about 8 pings). Automatic cleaning as you want Just attach the cleaning pad and press the CLEAN key. The above introduction comes from the official website After I bought the robot vacuum cleaner, I started thinking about how good it would be if I could mop the floor myself~ So after reading the introduction on the official website, I decided to take it home too, and sure enough it didn't disappoint me 😎 . # 我要上精选 # # 百万積分第五季 # # 0Placeholder_for #esaay_translation605c3fb859fc459aeba2157dbae
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iRobot® Braava jet® 拖地機器人可深入家具四周、角落之間,甚或置物櫃底下等「觸不到」的位置,清除塵埃與污漬,—只須裝上一片 Braava jet® 清潔墊,機器人即會自動選用濕拖、濕擦或乾擦模式;而拖地機器人更是專為清潔硬質地板所設計,方便實用。 除塵去污的專家 精準噴灑系統 配合震動式清潔頭,能有效軟化地板髒污和污漬 而 Braava jet® 用墊則能分解並去除灰塵。 無縫導航,清潔「難以清理」的位置 濕擦與乾擦範圍廣達 25 平方公尺 (約達 8 坪)。 依您所需,自動清潔 只需裝上清潔墊,並按下 CLEAN 鍵即可。 以上介紹來自官網 至從買了掃地機器人後,我就開使想著要是能自己拖地那有多好~於是在官網看看介紹,我就決定也要把它帶回家,果然它也沒讓我失望😎。 # 我要上精选 # # 百万積分第五季 # # 好用電器 #