Hope for the stars, hope for the moon and finally UPS! ! ! There was still a box two days ago, but I forgot to take pictures 🤦‍♀️ fine! This time the box is even cuter~~ Finally, when the Lanfangyuan, which I like very much, is replenished, hurry up and stock up! ! ! It is estimated that these days rely on milk tea to survive 😍
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盼星星盼月亮终于等来了UPS!!! 前两天还有一箱,结果忘记拍照了🤦‍♀️ 没事!这次箱子更可爱嘛~~ 终于等到超喜欢的兰芳园补货了,赶紧囤起来!!!这几天估计全靠奶茶续命了😍