1 year ago, the doctor told me that I have chronic rhinitis (sinusitis), and the self-healing and self-cleaning functions of my nose are poor. At this time, I was advised to use nasal washing as an auxiliary treatment, and this easy-to-use nasal wash started to follow me. Coming to the United States, this year I am also ready to use it to fight flower🌹flower🌹flower🌹~pollen. Introduction to nasal irrigation: The American Academy of Rhinology published an article on "Nasal/sinus irrigation" in 2011, arguing that nasal irrigation is an effective, safe, and affordable treatment adjunct to the general population (these studies have concluded that irrigations are beneficial, safe, and well tolerated by patients). Nasal irrigation can help remove sticky secretions from the nose, which can reduce inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa. It also removes dirt particles, bacteria, viruses (all of which can cause allergies and inflammation) on the nasal mucosa. # 什么值得买 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation38c92ec56bbc4ae8b2458fede6b60126 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation11beb847a8354cbc9ee8ec
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1年前醫生告訴我,我有慢性鼻炎(鼻竇炎),鼻子自癒及自清功能較差,此時建議我以洗鼻作為輔助治療,而這款好用的洗鼻器就開始便跟隨我來到美國,今年我也準備好要用它來對抗花🌹花🌹花🌹~花粉。 鼻腔沖洗介紹: 美國鼻科醫學會 2011年時針對「鼻腔沖洗 」(Nasal/sinus irrigation)發表了一篇文章,認為鼻腔沖洗是一個有效、安全且一般人都可以承受的治療輔助項目(these studies have concluded that irrigations are beneficial, safe, and well tolerated by patients)。 鼻腔沖洗可以幫助移除鼻腔內的黏稠分泌物,如此一來可以降低鼻腔粘膜發炎腫脹程度。同時也可以移除鼻腔粘膜上的髒污小顆粒、細菌、病毒 (這些東西都會引起過敏及發炎)。 # 什么值得买 # # 我要上精选 # # 百万積分第五季 #