Late at night I'm greedy, and I start rummaging through the boxes again So late at night I couldn't help but bask in the bill because Eat bro! good! eat! ! The feeling of bursting the oil in one bite seems to be back to the time when elementary school secretly saved money to buy spicy sticks... Weilong's little spicy stick is also good But the taste of big eat brother is too right! ! ! ! Buy! If you love spicy strips, listen to me! and! That Xian brother is not! good! eat! Good Night!
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夜深了 嘴馋的我又开始翻箱倒柜 于是深夜忍不住晒单 因为 大吃兄太!好!吃!了! 一口咬下去爆油的感觉仿佛又回到了小学偷偷攒钱买辣条吃的时光…… 卫龙的小辣棒也不错 但是大吃兄的味道太正了!!!! 买!爱吃辣条的听我的! 还有!那个贤哥不!好!吃! Good Night!