Canmake Ida Carved Eyeshadow #14 Peach Plum This is Canmake's net red number, and I have been loving this gentle color recently. As for Canmake, I have always been curious, but this time I tried the color of the arm and was completely scared. A fighter at an affordable price, it turns out that it is so well-colored & smudged, and the ductility is also very good. God, why did I just find you? My eye makeup is applied with the little brush that comes with it, and it's stress-free. Although the color of this plate is net red, I think it will be very dirty if it is not used well. Plus the color rendering is so touching, so be gentle. # 什么值得买 # # 2018剁手红榜 # # 有点小贵但好用 # # 新年红运妆 # # 小雨帽的试色日记 #
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Canmake井田雕刻五色眼影 #14 桃花梅红色 这是Canmake的网红色号,最近很爱这种透着温柔的颜色。 对于Canmake,我一直是抱着好奇的态度,这次手臂试色,完全吓到。平价中的战斗机,原来这么好上色&晕染,延展度也很不错。天呐噜,为什么我才发现你?我的眼妆是用自带的小刷子上色的,毫无压力。 这盘的颜色虽然是网红色,但我觉得用不好是很显脏的。再加上显色度如此感人,所以要轻下手。 # 什么值得买 # # 2018剁手红榜 # # 有点小贵但好用 # # 新年红运妆 # # 小雨帽的试色日记 #