# 情人节礼物 # # 情人节 # # 什么值得买 # # 炸鸡安利 # recently in Valentine, just to save money but also to see the discount in the newsletter, so I want to say with her boyfriend Lego doll. Who knew that he was afraid that I would not fight and didn't buy me a boat in a bottle. I finished this in an hour🤣. But the pair of strong Amway, not only has a high CP value, but also this pair is really super cute! Grandma still has a plate of snacks in her hand! It is very suitable for decoration at home. Hope we can become grandpa and grandma together🎅🤶
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# 情人节礼物 # # 情人节 # # 什么值得买 # # 炸鸡安利 # 最近都在過情人節,剛好又在省錢快報看到打折,於是跟男朋友說我想要樂高娃娃。 誰知道他怕我不會拼沒有給我買瓶中船,這個我一個小時就拼好了🤣。不過強烈安利這一對,不但CP值高而且這一對真的超級可愛啦!奶奶手裡還有一盤點心呢!很適合放在家裡做擺件。 希望我們可以一起變成老爺爺老奶奶🎅🤶