Quickly make a delicious and healthy fat-reducing meal - avocado 🥑 meat floss quinoa bibimbap ✅Cooked quinoa is preferred, fine coarse grains such as white rice or oat rice and brown rice can be added. Matching is more nutritious 👌🏻 ✅Boil a soft-hearted egg🥚, about 6-7 minutes. The half-cooked soft-boiled egg bibimbap is super delicious! ✅ Cut the avocado 🥑 in half and remove the core. Then slice and place on top of cooked quinoa rice. ✅ Then put eggs, a little meat floss, and seaweed floss in order. I can't eat it yet 🤫 ✅ A little light soy sauce + a little bit of Wasabi stirring! Drizzle over rice, mix well and eat! Bibimbap that does not require any technical content is done 🌚 It is also very friendly to super lazy cancer patients! About avocado 🥑Choose the slightly riper ones This way the bibimbap will taste softer 🤤 With the blessing of soft-hearted eggs and soy sauce, the taste has risen again! Both quinoa and avocado are super filling and healthy! Lose weight and be kind to yourself 🤤 Eat better! # 燃烧卡路里大作战 ## 开年吃大餐 # # 减肥吃什么 # # 亚米厨房 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #
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yami_featured_image 快手制作美味健康的减脂餐——牛油果🥑肉松藜麦拌饭 ✅首选藜麦煮熟,可以加白米或者燕麦米糙米等精细粗粮。配搭更有营养👌🏻 ✅烧水煮一颗溏心蛋🥚,大概6-7分钟即可。半熟的溏心蛋拌饭超好吃的! ✅牛油果🥑对半切开,去掉核。然后切片摆在煮好的藜麦饭上。 ✅再依次放上鸡蛋、少许肉松、海苔香松。还不可以吃哦🤫 ✅少许淡口酱油+一点点Wasabi搅拌搅拌!淋在饭上拌匀开吃! 一点技术含量都不需要的拌饭就搞定啦🌚 对于超级懒癌晚期患者也是非常的友好! 关于牛油果🥑挑选稍微成熟一点的哦 这样拌饭吃起来的口感会比较绵软🤤 加上溏心蛋和酱油的加持口感又上升了! 藜麦和牛油果都超饱腹而且很健康的! 减肥也要对自己好一点🤤吃的好一点! # 燃烧卡路里大作战 ## 开年吃大餐 # # 减肥吃什么 # # 亚米厨房 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #