
Counting Xiaobai's blush history, my blush boyfriend theory | Part 2

Cold Boyfriend| Do not disturb strangers: lilah b. memorable

lilah b. 's packaging is simple and generous, the outer packaging is unrestrained and enthusiastic, and the actual packaging is really revealing Frigid elegance. This is Sephora's set, a dual-use cream lipstick&blush. The color is a big aunt color, with a bit of berry color after blooming. It is true that no one is disturbed. After buying it for so long, in addition to testing the color, I have only used it once or twice. Mainly because the color of this is not suitable for my usual makeup, but its series is really worthy of collection. Especially the set is very affordable.

Cat Boyfriend| Difficult to handle: Fenty Beauty Ridiic

Fenty BeautyI love this color, although it isBlingBling, but the glitter is super delicate, with a little polarizing effect. It's just that the longer you buy this, the drier the paste becomes. Applying directly on the face will result in an inability to evenly smudge, which is really a headache. I now just apply it on the beauty egg, or pat it on the palm of my hand (because I'm lazy). Every time I put on makeup and look at it I feel like it's winking at me and then turning away from me. Uncle, you are too difficult, but who calls you beautiful?

Domineering CEO Boyfriend| Sweet aura:< /span> Surratt Flamme

This is for SephoraSuratt at half price Yes, it's amazing when you get it! The color is pearlescent orange, and the color rendering is touching. Although I accidentally turned into a monkey butt, I still use it more and more often. Then slowly I found the scale. Although it is sweet orange, it is very domineering like a flame, which makes me willing to accept it unconditionally. Did you accidentally expose your abused physique?

The all-around boyfriend| One to three:< /span> CanmakePearl Color Blush #01

This is the blush I just got recently. To tell the truth, this blush is like an all-round boyfriend, who can make money, have meals, warm the bed, massage, and accompany dramas and gossip. It is so considerate and low-key all the time. Canmake's five shades of blushes are all Asian-friendly, and they range in shades from orange to pink. , the color rendering is also suitable for newcomers, not afraid of heavy hands. The only drawback is probably that the powder is not very fine, and it is not suitable for little sisters with large pores. Isn't that right, her boyfriend is too good, and it's easy to expose his shortcomings.

 # 小雨帽的试色日记 # # 新年红运妆 # # I want to be Assessor 4phase #

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细数小白的腮红历程,我的腮红男友论 | 下篇

高冷型男友| 生人勿扰: lilah b. memorable

lilah b. 的包装既简单又大方,外包装奔放热情,实际的包装确实透着股性冷淡的高雅。这款是丝芙兰的套装里的,两用的膏体质地的口红&腮红。颜色是个大姨妈色,晕染开之后带着一丢丢浆果色。确实是生人勿扰,买了它那么久除了试色,也就用了一两次。主要是这款的颜色不太适合我平时的妆容,但它家的系列真的很值得收藏。尤其是套装性价比很高。

猫系男友| 难以搞定: Fenty Beauty Ridiic

Fenty Beauty的这款我是超爱这个颜色的,虽然是BlingBling,但是闪片超级细腻,带一点偏光效果。只是这款买的时间越久,膏体越干。在脸上直接涂会导致无法均匀晕染,真的是非常头痛。我现在都是涂在美妆蛋上,或者手心上拍打(因为我懒)。每次化妆看着它都感觉它在朝我抛媚眼,然后就转身背对我。大爷你也太难搞了,但是谁叫你美呢。

霸道总裁男友| 甜蜜的气场: Surratt Flamme


全能型男友| 以一顶三: Canmake珠光五色腮红 #01


 # 小雨帽的试色日记 # # 新年红运妆 # # 我要当测评官第4 #