# 开箱大吉 # # 亚米厨房 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # Yami each box have good sense of accomplishment ... lot of food as well as skin care products Beidema makeup remover, I have repurchased it many times, it is very good to remove a sunscreen bb general eye shadow and lipstick Needless to say, Weilong spicy strips are naturally delicious Guangyou Red Oil Noodles are delicious~ and Mianyang Rice Noodles are also delicious. I have bought this brand of Chongqing noodles before and it tastes good Japanese-style ramen is a little expensive. Adding some ingredients is much more cost-effective than the ramen outside.
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# 开箱大吉 # # 亚米厨房 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # 每次开箱亚米都好有成就感…一大堆吃的还有护肤品 贝德玛卸妆水,回购好多次啦,卸个防晒bb一般的眼影和口红都很好 卫龙辣条网红不用说啦自然好吃 光友红油面皮挺好吃~还有绵阳米粉也好好吃,以前还买过这个牌子的重庆小面味道也不错 日式拉面有点小贵自己加点料比外面的拉面性价比好多啦