🌹Drop, clock in on day 11🌹——燃烧卡路里大作战 🌹🌹At the same time of fitness, women should not forget to love themselves, and fitness does not hinder nourishment! Stew a delicious and nutritious rock sugar red jujube white fungus soup with the Skyline electric stewing pot! 🌹🌹 Rock Sugar Red Date Tremella Soup is a well-known traditional dessert. It is also a good nourishing medicine for women. It is moisturizing but not greasy and stagnant. Dryness effect. 🌹🌹Red dates can improve human immunity. Because of its rich calcium and iron, it plays an important role in preventing osteoporosis and anemia, promoting the production of white blood cells, lowering serum cholesterol, increasing serum albumin, and protecting the liver. Tremella is rich in vitamin D, which can prevent the loss of calcium. The trace elements such as selenium can enhance the body's anti-tumor immunity, and because of its rich natural plant characteristic colloid, it has the effect of nourishing yin. Long-term use can beautify and moisturise. skin, and has the effect of removing facial chloasma and freckles. 🌹🌹 Therefore, the strong combination of red dates and white fungus can enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, treat anemia, beauty and beauty, high-quality female tonic! So everyone drink up! 🤣 # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 我要当测评官第4期 #
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🌹滴,打卡第11天🌹——燃烧卡路里大作战 🌹🌹健身的同时,女人们也别忘了爱自己,健身也不妨碍滋补嘛!用天际电炖盅来炖一盅美味营养的冰糖红枣银耳汤吧! 🌹🌹 冰糖红枣银耳汤是很为人熟知的传统甜点,更是女人的一味滋补良药,滋润而不腻滞,具有补脾开胃、益气清肠、安眠健胃、补脑、养阴清热、润燥之功效。 🌹🌹红枣能提高人体免疫力,因其富含的钙和铁而对防治骨质疏松和贫血有重要作用,促进白细胞的生成,降低血清胆固醇,提高血清白蛋白,保护肝脏。而银耳富含维生素D,能防止钙的流失,其中的硒等微量元素可以增强机体抗肿瘤的免疫力,更因其富含的天然植物特性胶质而具有滋阴作用,长期服用可以美容润肤,并有祛除脸部黄褐斑、雀斑的功效。 🌹🌹 所以红枣与银耳强强联合可以增强体质,提高免疫力,治疗贫血,美容养颜,高品质的女性滋补品啊!所以大家喝起来!🤣 # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 我要当测评官第4期 #