# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # Di ~ punch the ninth day Maybe I lost weight too fast a few days ago, and my face was not very good. I was criticized when I made a video with my mother, saying that losing weight is not the ultimate goal, but health. So, starting from today, red dates and wolfberry will be eaten💪 Today's lunch, fried longli fish with mushrooms, corn and carrots, fried cabbage Eat smaller meals more often! One more meal in the afternoon~
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# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 滴~打卡第九天 可能前几天体重掉太快了,脸色状态都不是很好,和妈妈视频的时候被批评了,说减肥不是最终目的,健康才是。 So, 从今天开始红枣枸杞吃起来💪 今天午餐,蘑菇玉米胡萝卜炒龙利鱼,清炒白菜 少食多餐! 下午再加一顿~