# 燃烧卡路里大作战 Drop, punch the first day 🌟It is best to eat noodles when losing weight, it is full and not afraid of getting fat, and the calories are much lower than that of white rice! 🌟luobawang snail powder 🇨🇳Special snacks in Liuzhou, Guangxi 🌟One pack contains rice noodles, sour bamboo shoots, sour beans, black fungus, peanuts, fried yuba, soup packs, vinegar and spicy oil. I added additional tofu, daikon and shallots myself. 🌟If you like, you can also add some vegetables, ham, tofu and other ingredients! 🌟I have eaten other brands of snail noodles, but I still think that the snail noodles are the best and authentic. The chili oil in it is the spiciest and most fragrant, with sour, spicy and refreshing flavors. Drinking soda while eating noodles is the most refreshing. ! Reminder: The chili oil in it must be added appropriately, otherwise it will be so spicy that it will spit fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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yami_featured_image # 燃烧卡路里大作战 ## 我要当测评官第4期 # # 我要上精选 # 滴,打卡第1天 🌟减肥的时候吃面就最好了,既饱肚又不怕胖,卡路里比白饭低很多! 🌟螺霸王螺蛳粉 🇨🇳广西柳州特有的风味小吃 🌟一包里面有米粉、酸笋、酸豆角黑木耳、花生、油炸腐竹、汤料包、醋和辣油。我自己另外加了豆腐、白萝卜和青葱。 🌟喜欢的话还可以加入一些青菜、火腿、豆腐等配料! 🌟吃过其他牌子的螺蛳粉,还是觉得螺霸王螺蛳粉最好吃和正宗,里面的辣油是最辣和最香,具有酸、辣、爽的风味,一边吃面一边喝汽水就最爽了! 温馨提示:里面的辣油一定要酌量添加,不然会辣到喷火🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥