The famous Christophe Robin, sea salt scalp cleanser. In less than two weeks, my dandruff since college was easily resolved. This is too amazing! In the past, dandruff was itchy to the point of scratching the scalp. When I used it for the first time, my scalp was just scabbed, and this cleansing cream was not irritating at all. After using it, the more obvious effect is to relieve dandruff, and the scalp is not itchy. It also helps with postpartum hair loss. I feel that the effect of oil control is average. After using this, I need to wash my hair every day, and the next day my hair is oily. The downside is that when I rinse it off with water, my hair gets a lot rough. If it doesn't work well, I'll give up. 😂 It's really too dry. But it's much better after using conditioner. The taste is very good, there are large salt particles, it is easy to melt when wet, the foam is fine and the amount is large. The last one is of me silently recording the amount of hair fall. I will make a summary after this vial is empty. Now I can only say that it has a little help for hair loss, I don’t know if it is a psychological effect. # 人人都是收藏控 # # 大牌护肤 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation2756bd071eae410808ca57
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yami_featured_image 大名鼎鼎的Christophe Robin,海盐头皮净洁膏。用了不到两周,竟然轻松解决了我从大学开始的头皮炎。这也太神奇了吧!之前头皮炎,会痒到挠破头皮。第一次用的时候,头皮也刚结痂,使用了这款净洁膏一点都不刺激。 使用之后比较显著的效果是缓解头皮炎,头皮不痒了。对产后脱发也有一定的帮助。感觉控油的效果一般,用完这款我需要天天洗头,第二天头发就油的一缕一缕的了。 缺点是,我用完后用水冲洗的时候头发涩的厉害。如果不是效果很好,我就放弃了。😂 实在是干涩的太厉害了。但用完护发素就好了很多。 味道很不错,有大颗大颗的盐颗粒,沾水很容易融化开,起泡细腻且量多。 最后一张是我在默默记录头发掉落的量,这一小瓶空瓶后会来再做个总结,现在只能说对脱发有一丢丢的帮助,不知道是不是心理作用。 # 人人都是收藏控 # # 大牌护肤 # # 护发神器 #