燃烧卡路里大作战 [drop, clock in day 12] Today I eat my own fried Japanese tofu, super porridge Japanese tofu But it’s not very good today because it’s high. I guess it’s a meeting at 9:00 a.m. I didn’t eat breakfast, I was so hungry at noon that I ate a lot of chips. Sure enough, you can't be hungry enough to lose weight. You have to stuff two mouthfuls every time you don't wait for hunger, and you'll never be really hungry. Anyway, it's almost the weekend, yeah yeah yeah!
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燃烧卡路里大作战 [滴,打卡第12天] 今天吃自己做的煎日本豆腐 超稀饭日本豆腐的 不过今天涨了 不太爽 估计是早上九点一到就开会 没吃早餐 中午饿得狼吞虎咽 还吃了许多chips 果然减肥不能饿到自己啊 要每次不等饿的时候就塞两口然后永远不真正的饿才对 Anyway 快到周末了 耶耶耶!