🌟 Japan's best rated anti-acne cream! Lion King Acne Cream is very mild, with dual effects of sterilization and anti-inflammatory, can inhibit the growth of acne bacteria in the pores, especially for small skin problems such as small pustules, red and swollen acne, and closed acne. 🌟 It's really super easy to use. I didn't pay much attention to it at first. I like spicy food. During my aunt's period, I have acne on my face. I quickly apply it before going to bed at night, and the acne will be flat when I wake up the next morning. , there is still a little red mark, just apply it for another day! 🌟As for acne, it's not realistic if you want it to never have thick lines. Even after puberty, occasionally staying up late will have a small endocrine disorder, and during the aunt's period, acne will come back immediately. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare some acne creams all year round, especially to deal with sporadic acne! Because it is only a topical use, all the small ones can still be used for a long time! # 我要当测评官第4期 # # 人人都是收藏控 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation67c3117cf252b60df83b
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🌟日本最受好评抗痘膏!狮王祛痘膏是很温和,具有杀菌和抗炎双重功效,能抑制毛孔中痤疮细菌的生长,特别针对小脓包、红肿痘痘、闭口粉刺等小面积皮肤问题。 🌟真的是超级超级好用诶,刚开始自己没怎么留意,爱吃辣的,姨妈期、脸上冒出痘痘,晚上睡觉前就赶紧涂一下,第二天早上起来痘痘就平了,还有点小红印,再涂一天就好了! 🌟痘痘这玩意儿呢,你要想让它永远不粗线,也不太现实。 就算过了青春期,偶尔熬夜来个内分泌小紊乱, 姨妈期,痘痘立马卷土重来。 所以呀,常年备些痘痘膏,专门对付零星痘痘还是很有必要滴!因为只是局部用所有小小的一支还是能用挺久的!# 我要当测评官第4期 # # 人人都是收藏控 # # 平价替代 #