sᴇᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ | Super beautiful rainbow zebra crossing check-in and delicious 🍦

📍Seattle Punch 7: Capitol Hill Rainbow Sidewalk 


▪️Seattle's seventh stop is another very interesting place calledCapitol Hill Rainbow Sidewalk~This block is not too far from BGI Friends brought us by car Parking is more convenient! This neighborhood is most famous for its speciality That's inclusive!



▪️Capitol Hill is a place full of artistic atmosphere and Creative Neighborhood It's also a place of gay freedom and tolerance! < /span>The streets here have a variety of characteristic art graffiti and super beautiful rainbow zebra crossing streets🌈 The rainbow is gay!( span>BTW:A good friend told me Seattle is a super gay-tolerant place < /span>Because the mayor of Seattle and the president of UW are gay😄) span>


▪️HoweverCapitol Hill< span class="s3">In addition to these, there are also many small shops and specialty buyers. There are also foodies Two of my favorite ice cream shops🍨🍦One is the famous onesalt&strawand another shop that will be attracted by the smell of milk when passing by (the avatar of the shop is a French fighting avatar?) I couldn't find the name for a long time!  


▪️I chose the latter because it was so delicious and it turns out that I made the right choice! this The ice cream in the ice cream shop is very rich and mellow but not greasy at all There are also many flavor choices! And the waffle cones are freshly baked The milk made is full of flavor and very crispy < span class="s3">The sweetness with ice cream is perfect!

 # 格格的分享 #

 # 跟着格格去旅行 # # 趁着春光去旅行 #

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sᴇᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ | 超美的彩虹斑马线打卡 以及好吃的🍦

📍西雅图打卡第七站: Capitol Hill Rainbow Sidewalk 


▪️西雅图打卡的第七站来到了又一个非常有趣的地方叫做Capitol Hill Rainbow Sidewalk~这一个街区离华大也不算太远 朋友开车带我们来的 停车也算比较方便! 这一个街区最最出名的一点也是因为他的特别 那就是它的包容性!



▪️Capitol Hill是一个充满了艺术氛围与创造性的街区 它也是一个同性恋自由和宽容的地方! 这里的街道有各种各样特色的艺术涂鸦和超好看的彩虹斑马线街道🌈 彩虹代表的就是同性恋!(BTW:好朋友告诉我西雅图就是一个对于同性恋超级包容的地方 因为西雅图市长和华大校长都是同性恋😄)


▪️不过呢Capitol Hill除了这些还有特别多又去的小店以及特色买手店 还有吃货最爱的两家超级无敌好吃的冰激凌店🍨🍦一家就是大名鼎鼎的salt&straw和另一家路过就会被奶香味吸引进去的店(店的头像是一个法斗头像?)名字我找半天都没看到! 


▪️我当时选择了后者因为真的太香了 而且事实证明我的选择非常正确! 这家冰淇淋店的冰淇淋非常的浓郁醇厚 但是一点儿也不腻 味道选择也很多! 还有就是华夫筒是新鲜烤制的奶香味十足 还非常的脆 搭配冰淇淋的香甜真的完美!

 # 格格的分享 #

 # 跟着格格去旅行 # # 趁着春光去旅行 #