✨This 猪鼻贴 has been bought for a while, there are 5 packs in one box, one pack has three small pieces individually packaged, one pack (3 pieces) is used at a time. Oily and oily skin must regularly clean up blackheads. Excessive oil in the pores will form blackheads after long-term oxidation. You must use the correct method to clean up, otherwise the best skin care products will not be absorbed into the skin. This 去黑头 nose stick is the mildest one I have ever used, no pain or irritation. ✨How to use: Step 1⃣️: Remove blackheads, dry your face after washing your face, take out 1 step and stick it on your nose, it will feel a little cool, remember to stick it well, and peel it off after 15-20 minutes. ✨Step 2⃣️: After removing the nose patch 1, wet the nose, take out step 2, there is a plastic film attached to it, remove the plastic film, put the pink side on the nose, stick it tightly, apply 10- After 15 minutes, I peeled it off. After I peeled it off, a small amount of blackheads were stuck out. Afterwards, I scraped it with an acne needle before applying the 3rd step, and scraped out a lot of remaining blackheads... ✨Step 3⃣️: Take out 3 steps, it has a total of Three layers, take the middle layer and apply it, it is a bit like a solid gel that is not very slippery to hold, just stick it for 5-10 minutes. ✨Maybe it is relatively mild, so my stubborn blackheads cannot be removed very cleanly. Babies can try my method. Before step 3⃣️, you can manually shave off the blackheads, just gently shave, the picture is me shaving it out Yes, because step 1⃣️ opened the pores, the blackhead oil is easy to scrape out; after finishing step 3⃣️, I was not very relieved, I wet the calendula water, and the pores were clean ~ 🌸Thank you for reading, I think this article useful if trouble concerns ➕ thumbs up collection Oh, thank you, rabbit paper will be regularly updated about the beauty of skin care to share good things Oh ~ Thank you 🙏 # 去黑头 # # 猪鼻贴 # # 黑头大作战 #
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yami_featured_image ✨这个猪鼻贴买了有一段时间了,一盒有5包,一包有三小片独立包装,一次用一包(3片)。油皮混油皮一定要定期清理黑头,毛孔多余油脂堵塞长期氧化后就会形成黑头,必须要使用正确的方法清理,不然再好的护肤品也吸收不到皮肤里去。这款去黑头鼻贴是我用过最温和的一款了,不痛不刺激。 ✨使用方法:第1⃣️步:导出黑头,洗完脸后擦干,取出1 step贴在鼻子上,会有些凉凉的感觉,记得要贴的服帖点,15-20分钟揭下。 ✨第2⃣️步:取下鼻贴1后,把鼻子打湿,取出2 step,它是有个塑料膜贴着的,取下塑料膜,粉色一面贴到鼻子上,贴紧些,敷10-15分钟后撕下,我撕下后少量黑头被粘出来了,后续我在贴3 step前用粉刺针刮了一下,刮出很多剩余的黑头… ✨第3⃣️步:取出3 step,它一共有三层,取中间那层敷,就是有点像固体啫喱不怎么拿的起来滑滑的那片就是了,贴5-10分钟即可。 ✨也许是因为比较温和,所以对于我的顽固黑头并不能祛的很干净,宝宝们可以试试我这个方法,在步骤3⃣️之前自己手动刮下黑头,轻轻的刮就行,图片就是我刮出来的,因为步骤1⃣️把毛孔打开了,黑头油脂很容易刮出来;做完步骤3⃣️我还不太放心,湿敷了金盏花水,毛孔干干净净~ 🌸感谢大家看完,觉得这篇文章有用的话麻烦关注➕点赞收藏哦,谢谢大家,兔纸会经常更新有关护肤美妆好物分享哦~谢谢🙏 # 去黑头 # # 猪鼻贴 # # 黑头大作战 #