Eating a bread is in the shape of loving you - 💗 Coconut Bread ————————————————————— A glass of milk and a piece of bread for breakfast~ Have a good breakfast and have a good day! Since I got into the pit of bread Just a bunch of uncontrollable bags 🤭 You may not like the girly look of this bread! The aroma of the whole house after the roasted coconut is full~ Learn to give your family a ❤️ practice👇🏻 Bread required: 240g high-gluten flour Milk powder 20g Whole egg liquid 35g water 130g Caster sugar 35g Yeast 3g Butter 25g salt 1g Coconut Stuffing: Butter 40g Caster sugar 30g Egg liquid 35g milk 40g 80g grated coconut Step1. Put all the dough ingredients except butter into the kitchen machine and knead until the surface of the dough is smooth, then add the butter and knead to the expansion stage, and you can pull out the light-transmitting film by hand. Shape into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and let it rise to double the size~ Step2. Mix the above grated coconut filling ingredients together, divide into nine equal parts, and put them in the refrigerator for later use. Step3. Take out the proofed dough to remove the air bubbles, divide it into 9 equal parts, round it and proof for 15 minutes. Step4. Take a dough and roll it into a round cake slightly larger than the coconut filling, put the coconut filling and wrap it at the bottom and pinch it tightly. Gently roll out the wrapped dough into an oval shape to avoid revealing the filling. Fold the oval dough from right to left and then fold down. Do not cut off the remaining part of the lower corner! After cutting, open it to both sides, it is a heart-shaped shape, which can be shaped a little more beautifully~ Step5. Put the whole bread into the baking tray and put it in the oven. Put a bowl of boiling water in the oven for secondary fermentation. After fermentation, take out the surface and apply a little egg wash. The oven is preheated to 338 degrees for 20 minutes. During the period, if the color is uniform, it will not look good if you cover it with tin foil~ # 我的早餐打卡 # # 冬天就要吃点好 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 亚米厨房 ## 私藏好货大曝光 #
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yami_featured_image 吃个面包都是爱你的形状——💗椰蓉面包 ——————————————————— 早餐一杯牛奶一块面包~ 早餐吃得好一天精神好! 自从我入了面包这个坑 就一发不可收拾的各种撸包🤭 这个面包充满少女心的样子可能不喜欢! 放了满当当的椰蓉烤完之后满屋的香气~ 学起来给家人一份❤️做法👇🏻 面包所需: 高筋面粉 240g 奶粉 20g 全蛋液 35g 水 130g 细砂糖 35g 酵母 3g 黄油 25g 盐 1g 椰蓉馅: 黄油 40g 细砂糖 30g 鸡蛋液 35g 牛奶 40g 椰蓉 80g Step1.除黄油以外所有面团材料放入厨师机中搅拌至面团表面光滑后放入黄油揉至扩展阶段,用手能拉出透光薄膜即可。整形成球状盖上保鲜膜醒发至两倍大小~ Step2.将以上椰蓉馅材料混在一起拌匀,平分成九份放入冰箱冷藏备用。 Step3.醒发好的面团取出排除里面的气泡,平分成9份,滚圆后再醒发15分钟。 Step4.取一个面团擀成比椰蓉馅稍大些的圆饼,放入椰蓉馅包起来底部捏紧。将包好的面团轻轻的擀成长椭圆形避免露馅儿,椭圆形面团由右向左折叠再向下折叠,下角留部分不要切断!切开后分别向两侧翻开,就是一个心形的形状,可以在稍微整形的漂亮一些~ Step5.整好的面包放入烤盘中摆好入烤箱,烤箱中放一碗开水二次发酵,发酵完毕取出表面涂少许蛋液,烤箱预热338度,20分钟即可。 期间上色均匀了就盖锡纸负责就不好看了~ # 我的早餐打卡 # # 冬天就要吃点好 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 亚米厨房 ## 私藏好货大曝光 #