# 私藏好货大曝光 # Try your new foam hair dye. It's very easy to use for the first time. Pour the black bottle from the bottom left of picture 4 into the white bottle and turn the bottle upside down five times to mix the hair dye. Install the pink foamer, and the foam extruded is super fine. This is a burgundy color, I bleached my hair again before using it, see Figure 5, the color it dyed is very nice, it is a pinkish brown, but it is a bit non-mainstream. ❤️). This hair dye is super gentle and uses very little. Put a lot of hair dye and only used half of it. Because it is a foam, it is easy to spread evenly. No discomfort on my hair for 30 minutes, it feels like shampooing my hair, except the smell is still a bit nasty, typical hair dye smell. The disadvantage is that because it is in the form of foam or squeezed with a bottle, it is easy to drip everywhere when you use it, you need to spread a newspaper or clean it up after use. Will continue to buy other colors in the future, I love this one.
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yami_featured_image # 私藏好货大曝光 # 试一试新买的泡沫染发剂。第一次使用,非常简单。 把图4左下角的黑色瓶子倒入白色瓶子中,把瓶子上下翻转五次混合染发剂。安装粉色的打沫器,挤出的泡沫超级细腻。 这个是个酒红色,我用之前又漂了一次头发,见图5,染出来的颜色很好看,带粉色调的棕色,不过有点非主流,我之后有进一步的调色(是老公帮我调的❤️)。 这款染发剂超级温和,且用量少。放了大量的染发剂才用了一半。因为是泡沫所以很容易涂抹均匀。在头发上30分钟没有任何不适,感觉像用洗发液洗头发,只不过味道还是难闻了点,典型的染发剂味道。 缺点是因为是泡沫形式还是用瓶子挤,用的时候很容易滴的到处都是,需要铺个报纸或者用后好好清理一下。 之后会继续购入其他颜色,很喜欢这款。