# #亚米晒单# # # 亚米礼卡 ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation53d89be634ac4015c911c374ac4015c9 94 dollars to stock up a gift card worth 💰100 dollars to prepare for the store celebration~ This is equivalent to 94% off + 15% off 😌 Up to 10% off, smart me! Waiting for the arrival of the store celebration 🛍 🛒 I hope Yami has replenished all the goods, wait for us to buy, buy, buy ps. Order number: 2019031682767
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# #亚米晒单# # # 亚米礼卡 ## 亚米真的6 # 94刀囤了一张价值💰100刀的礼卡准备店庆的时候用~ 这样子就等于94折+85折啦😌折上折,精明的我!坐等店庆的到来🛍 🛒希望亚米把货都补齐了,等我们买买买 ps. 订单号:2019031682767