# 亚米真的6 # I wish Yami a happy 6th anniversary, here I offer my blessings, love you forever, ~(^з^)-♡ I have known Yami for a long time. It is Yami, so I can buy all kinds of snacks in a foreign country without leaving home ❤️ In the past few years, I have bought all kinds of delicious food in Yami's 😋. I have also met many good friends in the post-listing area. I also received a gift package for public testing. I am super happy, and I have become Yami's campus ambassador, giving others While bringing benefits, I also met many like-minded friends. Thanks to Yami for giving me the opportunity to test, I am really super happy and happy to have Yami's company, and I also bought a lot of delicious food and beauty. I hand-painted a picture of a birthday cake, I wish Yami can get better and better in the days to come, and bring more delicious and easy-to-use products to the Chinese, Bixin ❤️
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yami_featured_image # 亚米真的6 # 祝亚米6周年快乐,在这里献上我的祝福,永远爱你,~(^з^)-♡么么哒 认识亚米已经很长时间了,是亚米,让我在异国他乡,足不出户,也可以各种买买买,吃到家乡的零食❤️ 这几年,在亚米买到了各种好吃的😋,也在晒单区认识了很多好朋友,还收到了众测礼包,超级开心,还当上了亚米的校园大使,在给他人带来福利的同时,还结识了很多志同道合的朋友。 感谢亚米给我众测的机会,有亚米的陪伴真的超级的开心和幸福,也剁手买了超级多的好吃的以及美妆。 手绘了一幅生日蛋糕的图片,祝亚米在今后的日子里也能越来越好,给华人带来更多好吃好用的产品,比心❤️