# 手机里舍不得删的照片 # Every scene carries someone's story. Perhaps because I grew up surrounded by trees and flowers, I feel relaxed just by smelling the aroma of trees. Childhood memories will always affect us in all aspects. When we close our eyes, we will see the figure of my grandfather who is pruning branches in midsummer and me who keeps picking up small branches that fall on the ground. Pink bougainvillea, blue-to-purple hydrangeas, and a string of reds that drink nectar when you pluck the flowers. Although the flying butterflies, the occasionally passing bees, and the ants lining up on the ground are all friends that I see every day, I am still super afraid of insects when I see them every day XD My grandfather went to heaven 4 years ago, but the midsummer in my memory still shines brightly in my heart. Just like the cherry tree that saw its buds in the early spring, this year will be full of blooms, right? Might as well try it out in your free time? Stop and look at the green plants around you that you are accustomed to, just a simple wind blowing will be very pleasant. what! Lastly, I forgot to mention that I remember to spray insect repellent spray! Being bitten by a little bug is not bad at all XD
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yami_featured_image # 手机里舍不得删的照片 # 每一處的景色都承載著某個人的故事。或許是因為從小就是在樹木和花卉圍繞下長大的緣故,所以只要聞到樹木的香氣就會很放鬆。兒時的記憶總是會方方面面的影響現在的我們,閉上眼睛就會浮現出盛夏修剪樹枝的外公的身影和不停撿起落在地上小樹枝的我。粉紅色的三角梅、藍到發紫的繡球花、摘下花朵就可以喝到花蜜的一串紅。雖然飛舞的蝴蝶、偶爾路過的蜜蜂、地上排著隊的螞蟻都是每天會見到的朋友們但天天見我還是超級害怕昆蟲類XD 外公已經在4年前去天國了,但是記憶里的盛夏依舊鮮豔的閃耀在我心中。就像今春初見花苞的櫻花樹,今年也會綻放滿樹吧? 在你空閒的時刻不妨也嘗試一下吧?停下,看看周圍你習以為常的綠色植物們,只是簡簡單單的風吹都會很愜意。 啊!最後忘了說記得噴防蟲噴劑!被小蟲子咬一口可一點都不好受XD