# 手机里舍不得删的照片 # The photos on my phone are actually reluctant to delete, and there are many photos that are meaningful to me. The first two, I went to cancun by myself in 13 years, and went there for a week. I like to sleep until I wake up naturally, and some eat, drink, drink, and play.) I went there with my friends again a few years later (in a different hotel). . I went to Taiwan 🙈 In Taipei for a week, I ate for a week. . 🙈🙈Wechat screenshot is to tease Miss Sister after she went to Taipei to eat, eat, buy, buy and buy. She kept screenshots of her replies on her mobile phone. once, 🙈
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# 手机里舍不得删的照片 # 手机里的照片其实都舍不得删,对自己有意义的也很多照片, 前面两张呢, 是13年自己一人去cancun的,去了一个星期, 个人觉得贼relax的,(比较懒所以喜欢睡到自然醒,有的吃吃喝喝玩玩就好满足)也是这样几年后又跟朋友去了一次(不同酒店)喜欢逛吃逛吃的我15年又一人。。跑去了台湾🙈 在台北一个星期,吃了一个星期。。🙈🙈微信截图就是去台北吃吃吃买买买后逗小姐姐的, 她的回复就一直截图放在手机,(不懂为啥晒单图片不能整张显示)去年跟小姐姐又跑去台北一次、🙈