Kitchen must-have 🈚️Delicious seasoning salad dressing🥗 ————————————————— I have been eating this salad dressing from Kewpie~ It is definitely the best I have ever eaten The salad dressing is not one of them! I didn't like to eat salad before maybe because I didn't encounter it haha, I fell in love with it after eating it once! Even my parents like to eat it 😂 My house really has several cans of empty bottles! Push for a lifetime! The taste is very rich and strong, and it is also full of complete sesame particles. If you are allergic to sesame, don't try it! It is very suitable for salads such as vegetables, seafood, meat, noodles, and noodles~ The salad dressings have a certain amount of calories and can be eaten in moderation. It is recommended to eat it for breakfast or lunch. It is too easy to gain weight at night~ • Jar salad 🥗 Share the recipe👇🏻 This is me The easy and fast lazy recipe that I often make hahaha By the way, Mason Jar is really easy to use! ! It's a must have in the kitchen! Put the salad dressing on the bottom of the jar and spread the food layer by layer. Shake the jar to mix the sauce and food evenly. A delicious weight loss lunch salad is done. Grain 🌽 appropriate amount of cabbage and appropriate amount of carrot 🥕 appropriate amount of fried sesame salad dressing 1. The first choice is to put pasta 🍝 in water and let it cool for later use, and shred the vegetables. 2. Fry the sesame salad dressing at the bottom of the jar, then put the pasta🍝, corn kernels🌽, cabbage, carrots🥕 in order, put on the lid, and a healthy jar salad is done. ✅ Occasionally change the taste and eat something The same small fresh salad 🥗 It's colder and colder, remember to eat less in winter~ The contents of the jar can also be replaced with any ingredients you like. Harder ingredients should be placed on the salad dressing and not easily soaked to lose weight. You also need to consume a certain amount of fat. So rest assured to eat~ 🤤 # 亚米开箱 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation15ab849888fac
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yami_featured_image 厨房必备🈚️敌美味调味沙拉酱🥗 —————————————————— 丘比这款沙拉酱我也是一直都在吃的~ 绝对是我吃过最好吃的沙拉酱没有之一! 以前不喜欢吃沙拉或许是因为没有遇上它哈哈 吃过一次就爱上!就连我爸妈都很喜欢吃😂 我家真的空瓶好几罐了!一生推! 口味很丰富很浓厚里面还富含完整的芝麻颗粒 如果对芝麻过敏的朋友就不要尝试了哦! 它配搭蔬菜海鲜肉类面条类的沙拉都非常合适~ 沙拉酱都是有一定的热量可以适量食用 建议早餐或者午餐的时候吃晚上就太容易胖啦~ • 罐子沙拉🥗分享食谱👇🏻 这是我常做的简易快手懒人食谱哈哈哈 顺便说一下Mason Jar真的好用!! 也算是厨房必备的神器了吧! 罐子底层放沙拉酱再把食物一层层的铺上 吃的时候摇一摇罐子让酱汁和食物混合均匀 一份美味的减肥午餐沙拉就搞定啦🤤 · 准备的食材有👇🏻 意面 适量 玉米粒🌽 适量 卷心菜 适量 胡萝卜🥕 适量 培煎芝麻沙拉酱 少许 1.首选把意面🍝熟手过水放凉备用,蔬菜切丝。 2.罐子最底层倒培煎芝麻沙拉酱,再依次放上意面🍝,玉米粒🌽,卷心菜,胡萝丝🥕,改上盖子一份健康的罐子沙拉完成啦✅ · 偶尔换换口味吃点不一样的小清新 沙拉🥗比较生冷冬天要记得少吃~ 罐子的内容物也可以换成自己喜欢的任何食材 比较硬的食材要放在沙拉酱上面不容易被浸烂 减肥也是需要摄入一定的油脂所以放心吃~ 🤤 # 亚米开箱 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 亚米真的6 #