# 温暖小家养成记 # # 什么值得买 # # 亚米厨房 # # 下厨秘密武器 # to the United States to study in 2056, and the kitchen in addition to a Zojirushi rice cooker regarded brand, has been dealing with the use of other equipment. Mainly because I couldn't find the one I really liked, so I just made do with it... Yami was wandering around a few days ago and found this wok. First of all, I was attracted by the color. After reading the product introduction and reviews, I had no choice but to start with it! In the end, it really started with looks, got caught up in talent, and finally got character... 😄 Not to mention that the frying pan conducts heat very quickly, the effect of non-stick pans is also great~ You can complete many Taoist dishes without adding much oil. Sometimes what I often miss is not such a complicated dish, it may be a fried egg with tomato, vinegar and cabbage, etc., and I have the right kitchen utensils to learn how to cook a few such dishes from my mother on winter nights. It is undoubtedly the best comfort for international students who are in a foreign country.
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# 温暖小家养成记 # # 什么值得买 # # 亚米厨房 # # 下厨秘密武器 # 来美留学五六年了,厨房里除了一个象印电饭锅称得上牌子以外,其他设备一直对付着用。主要是因为一直找不到真心喜爱的,索性就凑合随缘吧... 前些日子亚米转悠,发现了这个炒锅。首先是被颜色吸引了,看了产品介绍和评论也是牛的不得不了,果断入手!结果真真儿是始于颜值,陷于才华,终于人品...😄炒锅导热超快不说,不粘锅的效果也是杠杠的~不用放多少油也能完成很多道家常菜。 有时候常常思念的不是多么复杂的菜,可能就是妈妈炒的一个番茄炒蛋,醋溜白菜等,有了合适的厨具,在冬季的夜晚学着妈妈烧上几道这样的菜,对我这个身于异乡的留学生来说,无疑是个最好的安慰。