#亚米厨房 # #厨房必备 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation960e335b4a5a4f2 下厨秘密武器, awesome Japanese curry~ In fact, curry is very used in kitchen preparation. Simple, convenient and versatile. This Japanese golden curry is ready to taste, throw the curry into the pot, throw in the ingredients you want, Don't worry it won't taste good! No matter how you cook it, it tastes right~ ⭐Picture 1 is the advanced version of curry chicken. The bone-in chicken legs need to be marinated first (I like to chew on the bones), and then fry a little, or fry directly. Best to fry the potatoes too. Then use ginger, onion and garlic to sauté until fragrant. If you like spicy, you can throw in some dry chili or green chili and stir-fry. Then add curry and potatoes and let it simmer~ ⭐Picture 3-5 is the most common and simple curry rice I like to make~ Dice the chicken and stir fry, either drumsticks or breasts are fine. Throw the curry into the pot and boil it, put all the chicken, carrots, potatoes, mushrooms and celery into it and cook, just put it in according to your personal preference haha~ Awesome! ⭐ This Japanese curry has a liquid bag, which is filled with carrots and potatoes. There is also a curry block. If you want to accompany the noodles directly with rice for convenience, it is recommended to buy a bag of liquid. If you want to cook, it is recommended to use curry cubes, the taste is richer and the weight is enough!
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# 亚米厨房 # # 厨房必备 # # 下厨秘密武器 # 下厨秘密武器,超赞日式咖喱~ 其实咖喱在厨房调理里面算是使用率极高的, 简单,方便,百搭。这个日式golden curry 已经配好味道,把咖喱扔锅里,把你想要的食材扔进去, 不用担心会不好吃!怎么煮味道都是对滴~ ⭐图一是高级版咖喱鸡,带骨鸡腿需要先腌好(我喜欢啃骨头嘻嘻),再稍微煎一下,或者直接炸一下也行。最好把土豆也炸一下。再用姜葱蒜爆香,喜欢辣的可以扔点干辣椒或者青辣椒下去爆炒。然后加入咖喱和土豆下去炖就好啦~ ⭐图3-5是最常见最简单也是我最爱做的咖喱饭~ 把鸡肉切丁翻炒,鸡腿或鸡胸肉都没问题。把咖喱扔进锅里糊开,鸡肉红萝卜土豆蘑菇芹菜全放进去煮就行,按个人喜好放哈哈~超赞! ⭐这个日式咖喱有一种是液体袋装的,里面配好了一丢丢红萝卜土豆。还有一种是咖喱块。如果你图方便想直接伴饭拌面建议买袋装液体,如果你想煮菜建议用咖喱块,味道浓郁些分量也足!