# 下厨秘密武器 # Cooking's Secret Weapon 4 Midea electric pressure cooker has various functions, such as rice, stewed meat, stewed soup, cake and yogurt functions. It is a boon for office workers. You can also adjust the duration and cooking intensity according to taste, and there is a preset timing function, which is really super convenient.
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# 下厨秘密武器 # 下厨的秘密武器 四 美的电高压锅,功能多样,米饭,炖肉,炖汤,还有蛋糕和酸奶功能,简直是上班族的福音啊。还可以根据口味调整时长和烹饪力度,更有预设定时功能,真的是超级方便啦。